Physician using laser to help with back pain

Low-Level Laser Therapy: A Systematic Review on its Effectiveness for Chronic Low Back Pain

Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) is like an old, unwelcome friend to many. It’s prevalent, persistent, and quite a bother. Conventional treatments often include a cocktail of pain medications, physical therapy, or in severe cases, surgery.


However, a ray of light, quite literally, is emerging as a potential remedy — back pain laser therapy. This article delves into Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), a non-invasive alternative that’s gaining traction in the medical community, especially among Long Island Neuroscience Specialists.


Understanding Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Imagine the sun’s rays coaxing a bud to bloom; that’s somewhat how LLLT works, but under your skin! Back pain laser therapy like the K-Laser or the Erchonia FX 635 laser system, beams specific wavelengths of light to target damaged tissues in the back. 


This light energy, much like photosynthesis in plants, kick-starts a process called photobiostimulation, enhancing the body’s natural healing mechanisms.


Unlike its cousin, High Power Laser Therapy, LLLT is gentle but potent. It’s a whisper that ignites a healing conversation among cells, including those in soft tissues, ligaments, cartilage, and nerves.

Benefits of LLLT for Chronic Low Back Pain

Back pain laser therapy is like a breath of fresh air for those wary of surgical blades or wary of the potential adverse effects of long-term medication use. Here are the advantages laid out:



Close up of low light laser therapy

Drawbacks and Side Effects

Every rose has its thorns, and back pain laser therapy is no exception. Here are a couple of drawbacks:

  • Cost: The treatment can be pricey, and not all insurance plans cover it.
  • Time: It may take several sessions to feel the benefits.

The side effects are minimal but can include temporary skin redness, irritation, and discomfort.

When and For Whom is LLLT Suitable?

Not everyone might find a friend in LLLT. Here are some considerations:

  • Pregnancy: It’s a no-go during pregnancy.
  • Cancer: Those with certain types of cancer should steer clear.
  • Photosensitivity: Individuals with a sensitivity to light might need to discuss other options with their healthcare provider.
Physician using laser to help with back pain

Real-world Applications and Case Studies

From athletes nursing injuries to everyday heroes battling daily chores, back pain laser therapy is making waves. The New York Yankees’ Assistant Athletic Trainer, Steve Donohue, lauds the K-Laser for its effectiveness in treating acute and chronic conditions.

Comparison with Other Treatments

LLLT doesn’t ride solo; there are other treatments for CLBP:

  • Medication: Pills might provide temporary relief but come with a host of potential side effects.
  • Surgery: It’s often the last resort due to its invasive nature and the long recovery period.
  • Physical Therapy: A safer bet but requires a longer commitment.
laser therapy being performed to help with pain management


Back pain laser therapy, especially Low-Level Laser Therapy, is a beacon of hope in the gloomy realm of Chronic Low Back Pain. It offers a non-invasive, relatively side-effect-free alternative to traditional treatments. For Long Island Neuroscience Specialists, it’s a tool worth having in the arsenal against CLBP.

Additional Concerns

While LLLT is promising, it’s crucial to discuss with a healthcare provider to determine its suitability for your specific case. The road to recovery is a personal journey, and what works wonders for one, might not for another.


This comprehensive exploration aims to shed light (pun intended) on back pain laser therapy as a viable treatment option. As we advance in medical technology, the answers to chronic ailments like CLBP might just be a laser beam away.


Note: This article is structured to provide a well-rounded overview, but for a more in-depth understanding, consulting with medical professionals, especially at Long Island Neuroscience Specialists, is highly recommended.